How Massage Helps with Depression

 In health, health, massage, mental health

There are some forms of suffering which seem invisible to those around us. With depression an adult must function with his or her daily activities: cooking, maintaining steady employment and paying bills. However, those suffering from clinical depression, these tasks can seem unbearably heavy and nearly impossible to do.

Each person has an opinion of what is worthy of depression, however some are inclined towards it due to harmful thought patterns,a chemical imbalance in their brains, or a traumatic event. Each day feels like a struggle to continue as they search for hope on how to be free from emotional pain. Some have found a “solution” in suicide, however this choice is not only tragic but leaves a lasting profound pain in the lives of their loved ones and may influence others battling with depression.

This post focuses on Massage Therapy and clinical depression and the unique way massage can be incorporated into a healthy and natural treatment for those suffering from this condition.

First Response

Most Massage Therapists tend to carry one common trait and that is a genuine desire to care for people.  If this is the case, Massage Therapists are in a unique and gifted position to be sensitive to the needs of others. They may often be one of the first professionals to identify signs of depression in a client and may guide them towards help. Also, because of the personal aspect of receiving a massage, a client may feel at ease with divulging personal difficulties and strong emotions that may endanger the client if entertained for too long. Most Massage Therapists are excellent caregivers and listeners in the right setting and can provide a nurturing atmosphere for the client to share their thoughts and feelings.


Physical Symptoms

The following list are some signs of depression, however please note that muscular and nerve related pain does not always mean that one is depressed. Injuries may also cause muscular and nerve trauma so it is vital to understand the source of the pain.

  • Headaches-These are fairly common in people with depression. If you already had migraine headaches, they may seem worse if you’re depressed.
  • Back Pain-If you already suffer with back pain, it may be worse if you become depressed.
  • Muscle aches and joint- Depression can make any kind of chronic pain worse.
  • Chest pain- Obviously, it’s very important to get chest pain checked out by an expert right away! It can be a sign of serious heart,stomach,lung or other problems. But depression can contribute to the discomfort associated with chest pain.

How massage Can Help

The nervous system is important when understanding the effects of massage and how it can help someone. When someone is suffering from depression their nervous system is likely to be much more affected than the average person, muscle spasms, muscle cramps and neck pain are common. Spasms and cramping occur due to spontaneous or long sustained muscular contractions. This muscle tension aggravates the nervous system causing a more acute perception of pain. Massage can be an excellent way for the nervous system to be soothed and relaxed sending signals to the brain that the muscle tissue can now also be relaxed. This physiological effect coupled with the release of brain chemicals that produce a positive effect is extremely beneficial to someone that is suffering from depression.

The Nurturing Effect

As adults, we are rarely cared for physically compared to children. As children, if we were fortunate, we were cuddled,held, massaged and soothed by a loving touch. Normally, we would receive this same physical attention by a romantic partner, however as many of us know once couples experience the pressures of life, much of that physical comfort is no longer displayed in most relationships. So as adults, we rarely experience the wonderful benefits of being nurtured through a healing touch that is loving and has healthy boundaries. In cases of depression, Massage Therapy can offer comfort without words which at times is a much needed experience as well.

Mental Health Providers

I recommend that the person receiving care from a trained Mental Health Professional couple their therapy with massage to enhance their effect. Ask your provider if they can refer you to a Massage Therapist that has experience working with depression or similar cases.  Other medical professionals that could recommend massage for depression are:

  • primary physician
  • fertility specialist
  • endocrinologist

It’s a great comfort for a patient when a massage therapist partners with their mental health provider in providing a well rounded care plan for improvement.

There is Hope

For those of you reading this, my hope is that you will find hope as well. Clinical depression is a battle that can be won. You can live a rich and productive life with friends and family that care and support you. You can also find purpose in living. I encourage you to find a massage therapist that you know and trust or begin an active search for one, you’ll be glad you did.

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